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puerto maldonado temperatura

The time in which the moon is above the horizon (light blue area), with new moons (dark gray lines) and full moons (blue lines) indicated. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Scattered thunderstorms this morning, then cloudy skies this afternoon. Peru is a fantastic country to experience the Amazon Rainforest. La percentuale di tempo trascorso in ciascuna fascia di copertura nuvolosa, categorizzata secondo la percentuale di copertura nuvolosa del cielo. The beach/pool score favors clear, rainless days with perceived temperatures between 75°F and 90°F. Su territorio abarca zonas de selva alta y selva, con una clima tropical, cálido y húmedo y lluvias de noviembre a abril. Niniejszy raport przedstawia w formie graficznej historyczne dane pogodowe odnotowane przez stację meteorologiczną na Puerto Maldonado w m-cu listopad 2022. The average rainfall (solid line) accumulated over the course of a sliding 31-day period centered on the day in question, with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands. This section discusses the wide-area hourly average wind vector (speed and direction) at 10 meters above the ground. The month with the least rain in Puerto Maldonado is July, with an average rainfall of 1.6 inches. The month with the least rain at Puerto Maldonado is July, with an average rainfall of 1.6 inches. Me gusta comentarios. Basiamo il livello di comfort sul punto di rugiada, in quanto determina se la perspirazione evaporerà dalla pelle, raffreddando quindi il corpo. The solar day over the course of the year 2023. Gift Card. The best time to visit is April, May, June, July, August, September, October. For example: The figure below shows you a compact characterization of the entire year of hourly average temperatures. Our tourism temperature score is 0 for perceived temperatures below 50°F, rising linearly to 9 for 65°F, to 10 for 75°F, falling linearly to 9 for 80°F, and to 1 for 90°F or hotter. El mes con el promedio de temperatura alta más bajo es Junio (29°C). Entradas. 1 dicembre: la prima alba del mese a Puerto Maldonado è alle ore 05:01 e l'ultima alba è 13 minuti dopo alle ore 05:13, 31 dicembre. The percentage of time spent in each cloud cover band, categorized by the percentage of the sky covered by clouds. Dati sull'altitudine estratti dalla Missione Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) , pubblicati dal Jet Propulsione Laboratory della NASA. MERRA-2 Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis. Within 10 miles also contains only modest variations in elevation (322 feet). Esiste solo una stazione meteo, Puerto Maldonado, nella nostra rete adatta all'uso come proxy per i record storici di temperatura e punto di rugiada di Puerto Maldonado. © Trees around Puerto Maldonado fruit in the wet season (October/November to March/April). To show variation within the months and not just the monthly totals, we show the rainfall accumulated over a sliding 31-day period centered around each day of the year. Puerto Maldonado experiences a moderate climate, and the summers are not easy to define. So remember to plan for wet weather. And this falls to 19 – 22°C (66 – 72°F) at night with only slight monthly change. Cobija annual/country comparative climate charts. On average, the warmest month is September with 32° Celsius (90° Fahrenheit). The lightly tinted areas at the boundaries of the cardinal compass points indicate the implied intermediate directions (northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest). La massima velocità del vento giornaliera media durante il mese di dicembre è 2,9 chilometri orari, 26 dicembre. The drier season lasts 6.1 months, from April 13 to October 17. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 64°F to 90°F and is rarely below 56°F or above 96°F. Izazi, Tanzania (7,115 miles away); Betong, Thailand (11,637 miles); and Carranglan, Philippines (11,723 miles) are the far-away foreign places with temperatures most similar to Puerto Maldonado (view comparison). La pioggia media in un periodo mobile di 31 giorni durante dicembre . I hope you find this post helpful. For a given day and hour of that day, the background color indicates the azimuth of the sun at that moment. Ao longo do ano, em geral a temperatura varia de 18 °C a 32 °C e raramente é inferior a 13 °C ou superior a 36 °C. Thank you for reporting this station. Duración: 03:14 Hace 9 horas. L'etichetta associata a ciascuna barra indica la data e l'ora in cui viene ottenuta la fase, e le etichette orarie connesse indicano l'ora dell'alba e del tramonto della luna per l'intervallo più vicino in cui la luna era al di sopra dell'orizzonte. We are committed to protecting at least 1/4 acre of threatened habitat in tropical locations around the world with every booking through Puerto Maldonado, Madre de Dios, Peru (°C), Temperatura máx. The month with the fewest daily hours of sunshine in Puerto Maldonado is January with an average of 7.76 hours of sunshine a day. The daily average high (red line) and low (blue line) temperature, with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands. Peru Puerto Maldonado Visibly blossoming from its road connection to the outside world, Puerto Maldonado, capital of the southern jungle, has an increasingly smart sheen to the bedlam of its central streets, abuzz with tooting mototaxis (three-wheeled motorcycle rickshaw taxis). MeteoTrend: Vremea in Puerto Maldonado pentru astăzi, mâine și săptămâna. | 19-10-2022. For a selection of the best tours in the region, you can see our guide for the top lodges in Tambopata. En moyenne, les mois les plus chauds sont Août à Novembre, Les mois les plus pluvieux sont Janvier, Février et Décembre. Our cloud cover score is 10 for fully clear skies, falling linearly to 9 for mostly clear skies, and to 1 for fully overcast skies. © Es una de las pocas regiones de la Amazonía que se mantiene virgen. The climate is hot and humid at all times. Ai fini di questo rapporto, le coordinate geografiche di Puerto Maldonado sono -12,593° di latitudine, -69,189° di longitudine, e 205 m di altitudine. Title: Reservas de carbono en cuatro sistemas agroforestales combinadas con Theobroma cacao L., Madre de Dios Author: Surco-Huacachi;Garate-Quispe In total, there are 274.65 hours of sunshine throughout August. We further caution that our travel scores are only as good as the data that underpin them, that weather conditions at any given location and time are unpredictable and variable, and that the definition of the scores reflects a particular set of preferences that may not agree with those of any particular reader. ☂ Quels sont les mois les plus pluvieux à Puerto Maldonado ? 3-Day Amazon from Puerto Maldonado with Eco Lodge Accommodation. Puerto Maldonado experiences significant seasonal variation in the perceived humidity. Between the driest and wettest months, the difference in precipitation is 324 mm | 13 inch. Una lluvia torrencial cae desde hace dos horas en la ciudad de Puerto Maldonado (región Madre de Dios), acompañada de truenos y relámpagos. The month with the most rain at Puerto Maldonado is January, with an average rainfall of 11.5 inches. Weather data is prone to errors, outages, and other defects. La temperatura en Puerto Maldonado generalmente se mantiene entre 30°C hasta 33°C durante el día, y desciende desde los 19°C hasta 22°C por la noche con ligeros cambios mensuales. The thin dotted line is the corresponding average snowfall. Based on this score, the best time of year to visit Puerto Maldonado for hot-weather activities is from early April to late September, with a peak score in the last week of August. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 64°F to 90°F and is rarely below 56°F or above 96°F . The temperature in Puerto Maldonado varies so little throughout the year that it is not entirely meaningful to discuss hot and cold seasons. Weather data is prone to errors, outages, and other defects. From bottom to top, the black lines are the previous solar midnight, sunrise, solar noon, sunset, and the next solar midnight. © Copyright TWC Product and Technology LLC 2014, 2023, Puerto Maldonado, Madre de Dios, Peru Weather Conditions. On average, the temperatures are always high. This nation-wide website presents information about the weather and climate for almost every country around the world. Tenha em atenção que as temperaturas normais sazonais divergem das observadas em Puerto Maldonado em novembrocom um registo máximo de 108°F em 2020 e um registo mínimo de 63°F em 2010. During the year, the average temperatures vary by 2.5 °C | 4.5 °F. For example: For the purposes of this report, the geographical coordinates of Puerto Maldonado are -12.593 deg latitude, -69.189 deg longitude, and 673 ft elevation. Aquí están las temperaturas medias. Within 10 miles also contains only modest variations in elevation (322 feet). Ofrecen buenas indicaciones de los patrones climáticos típicos y de las condiciones esperadas (temperatura . Clima El clima de Lima es de 25°C promedio en verano y de 13°C en invierno, . The climate in Puerto Maldonado is hot, oppressive, and mostly cloudy. Time zones for airports and weather stations are provided by . Les mois les plus chauds à Puerto Maldonado sont : Août à Novembre. The wind is most often from the east for 1.5 months, from April 26 to June 11 and for 1.5 months, from July 11 to August 25, with a peak percentage of 44% on May 21. Those scores are combined into a single hourly composite score, which is then aggregated into days, averaged over all the years in the analysis period, and smoothed. This reanalysis combines a variety of wide-area measurements in a state-of-the-art global meteorological model to reconstruct the hourly history of weather throughout the world on a 50-kilometer grid. Puerto Maldonado city is one of the main gates of the forest of Peru and offers Countless Opportunities to observe wildlife, Which captivated all nature lovers. The day, twilights (civil, nautical, and astronomical), and night are indicated by the color bands from yellow to gray. The shaded overlays indicate night and civil twilight. He has experienced the majority of our tours. Informes META The shaded overlays indicate night and civil twilight. The temperature at Puerto Maldonado varies so little throughout the year that it is not entirely meaningful to discuss hot and cold seasons. Puerto Maldonado is in the tropical Amazon Basin. La topografia entro 3 chilometri di Puerto Maldonado contiene solo modeste variazioni di altitudine, con un cambiamento massimo di altitudine di 45 metri e un'altitudine media sul livello del mare di 194 metri. Many different animals from monkeys in Tambopata to parrots feed on this seasonal buffet and can be more easily seen in the forest. Show the average temperatures in Puerto Maldonado in Fahrenheit. El mes con días más cortos es Junio (Luz diurna media: 11h and 24). Growing degree days are a measure of yearly heat accumulation used to predict plant and animal development, and defined as the integral of warmth above a base temperature, discarding any excess above a maximum temperature. Shortwave radiation includes visible light and ultraviolet radiation. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Puerto Maldonado, Perú - Temperatura actual y condiciones meteorológicas. Izazi, Tanzania (7,112 miles away); Betong, Thailand (11,636 miles); and Carranglan, Philippines (11,725 miles) are the far-away foreign places with temperatures most similar to Puerto Maldonado (view comparison). L'ombreggiatura indica la notte e il crepuscolo civile. Las mejores fechas para visitar son abril, mayo, junio, julio, agosto, septiembre, octubre. La media anual de temperatura máxima y mínima (periodo 1959-1991) es 30.6°C y 19.7°C, respectivamente. Unlike temperature, which typically varies significantly between night and day, dew point tends to change more slowly, so while the temperature may drop at night, a muggy day is typically followed by a muggy night. We draw particular cautious attention to our reliance on the MERRA-2 model-based reconstructions for a number of important data series. Usporedite cijene avio karata i provjerite red letenja. We will review the data in question. In 1901, this is the date when Don Juan Villalta was the leader of an Amazon expedition down the Tambopata River starting the settlement. Previsión meteorológica detallada por hora para hoy, incluidas las condiciones meteorológicas, la temperatura, la presión, la humedad, la precipitación, el punto de rocío, el viento, la visibilidad y los datos del índice UV. El mes más seco (con la precipitación más baja) es Julio (56.8mm). Voici quelques informations statistiques sur la météo à Puerto Maldonado pour vous aider à trouver la meilleure période pour votre voyage : Pour obtenir toutes les informations sur le climat et la météo à Puerto Maldonado d'un mois précis, cliquez sur la ligne correspondante ci-dessous : Excursion de 4 jours dans la forêt amazonienne, Pêche de piranhas et observation de perroquets, Excursion de 2, 3 ou 4 jours sur le lac Tres Chimbadas, Excursion de 7 jours à Tambopata avec observation d'oiseaux, Excursion de 4 jours à Tambopata avec cérémonie d'ayahuasca, Circuit de 6 jours aux colpas de Tambopata, Excursion de 3 ou 4 jours à la Réserve Nationale de Tambopata, Randonnée de nuit dans la forêt amazonienne. Le temperature a Puerto Maldonado sono abbastanza calde tutto l'anno e non è rilevante discutere la stagione di crescita in questi termini. Entro 16 chilometri contiene anche solo modeste variazioni di altitudine (98 metri). The best end to a fantastic intrepid trip in Peru…!! Tiene una extensión de 78,403 kilómetros cuadrados y su población apenas bordea los 50 mil habitantes. The month with the most muggy days at Puerto Maldonado is January, with 31.0 days that are muggy or worse. Chance of rain 50%. La temperatura media anual en Puerto Maldonado se encuentra a 25.4 °C. The average annual maximum temperature is: 31° Celsius (87° Fahrenheit), The average annual minimum temperature is: 20° Celsius (68° Fahrenheit). The black line is the percentage chance that a given day is within the growing season. For each hour between 8:00 AM and 9:00 PM of each day in the analysis period (1980 to 2016), independent scores are computed for perceived temperature, cloud cover, and total precipitation. This is aside from the cold fronts mentioned above. This is one of the most biodiverse protected areas on Earth. más localidades Promedio de temperatura normal para PUERTO MALDONADO Para PUERTO MALDONADO, el mes con temperatura más alta es setiembre (32.2°C); la temperatura más baja se da en el mes de julio (16.6°C); y llueve con mayor intensidad en el mes de febrero (299.3 mm/mes) 31°C 19°C Cielo despejado entre cielo con nubes dispersas durante el día. Puerto Maldonado. Puerto Maldonado. ☀ Quels sont les mois les plus chauds à Puerto Maldonado ? En el Parque Nacional del Manu pueden encontrarse más de 300 especies de árboles y más de 1000 especies de aves, entre ellas el guacamayo. Clima mensual promedio con datos de temperatura, presión, humedad, precipitación, viento, luz diurna, sol, visibilidad e índice UV. Puerto Maldonado Pronóstico a 14 días 3 Moderado. Durante il mese di dicembre a Puerto Maldonado la nuvolosità aumenta gradualmente, con la percentuale di tempo in cui il cielo è coperto o prevalentemente nuvolosoche aumenta da 80% a 85%. The earliest sunset is at 5:17 PM on May 30, and the latest sunset is 53 minutes later at 6:10 PM on January 23. 23.3 °C è la temperatura media di Luglio. The month with the most muggy days in Puerto Maldonado is January, with 31.0 days that are muggy or worse. 17. from $417 per adult. We assume no responsibility for any decisions made on the basis of the content presented on this site. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. You are about to report this weather station for bad data. Izazi, Tanzania11.446 chilometri di distanza); Betong, Thailandia (18.726 chilometri) e Carranglan, Filippine (18.869 chilometri)sonoi luoghi lontani con temperature più simili a Puerto Maldonado (cfr. The predominant average hourly wind direction in Puerto Maldonado varies throughout the year. Promedio de temperatura alta en diciembre: Promedio de temperatura baja en diciembre. La temperatura massima (riga rossa) e minima (riga blu) giornaliere medie, con fasce del 25° - 75° e 10° - 90° percentile. Les mois les plus pluvieux à Puerto Maldonado sont : Janvier, Février et Décembre. Les graphiques ci-dessous permettent de visualiser pour Puerto Maldonado les normales saisonnières suivantes : la température extérieure minimale et maximale, l'ensoleillement quotidien moyen, l'humidité relative, le risque et le volume mensuel de précipitations pour chaque mois de l'année. Please review our full terms contained on our Terms of Service page. Peru. The climate in Puerto Maldonado is hot, oppressive, and mostly cloudy. Hoteles. Pronóstico Hoy amanecerá a las 6:19 y anochecerá a las 19:09, las temperaturas estarán entre 22°C y 31°C, el cielo estará cubierto de nubes con lluvias, el viento será flojo con una velocidad de 7 km/h y de dirección noroeste This section discusses the total daily incident shortwave solar energy reaching the surface of the ground over a wide area, taking full account of seasonal variations in the length of the day, the elevation of the Sun above the horizon, and absorption by clouds and other atmospheric constituents. Le isoline nere sono i contorni dell'elevazione solare costante. During the low water months in the dry season, there is also more travel time required to negotiate low water levels. Latitud: 12° 35' S. Tmax Tmin 35 33 31 TEMPERATURA DEL AIRE °C. The month with the most wet days in Puerto Maldonado is February, with an average of 17.7 days with at least 0.04 inches of precipitation. The protected areas from Puerto Maldonado are full of incredible wildlife sighting opportunities. Exacte și detaliate prognoza meteo în Puerto Maldonado. The month with the most daily hours of sunshine in Puerto Maldonado is August, averaging 8.86 hours of sunshine. Questa sezione discute l'energia solare a onde corte incidente totale giornaliera che raggiunge la superficie del suolo in un'ampia area, tenendo in considerazione le variazioni stagionali nella lunghezza del giorno, l'elevazione del sole sull'orizzonte e l'assorbimento da parte delle nuvole e altri elementi atmosferici. One of your highlights during a trip in Peru might be this eco-luxury lodge in front of the Madre de Dios River, called Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica. Puerto Maldonado soporta bajas . The shaded overlays indicate night and civil twilight. Predicción a 14 días - Meteored Inicio Perú Departamento de Madre de Dios Puerto Maldonado El Tiempo en Puerto Maldonado 08:00 Martes Lluvia débil 23° Sensación de 21° 70% 0.5 l/m² Por horas Lluvias débiles en las próximas horas No hay alertas ahora Madre de Dios Hoy 10 Ene 90% 7.8 l/m² 28° / 22° 7 - 23 km/h Mañana At an average temperature of 25.8 °C | 78.5 °F, September is the hottest month of the year. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. La riga tratteggiata sottile indica le nevicate medie corrispondenti. Puerto Maldonado apparaît sur la carte ci-dessous avec une icône rouge. A unique feature for this section of Amazon Rainforest is the amount clay licks. The topography within 2 miles of Puerto Maldonado contains only modest variations in elevation, with a maximum elevation change of 148 feet and an average elevation above sea level of 637 feet. The solar day over the course of the year 2023. The clearest month of the year in Puerto Maldonado is July, during which on average the sky is clear, mostly clear, or partly cloudy 67% of the time. Tiempo actual en Puerto Maldonado, Madre de Dios, Perú | AccuWeather martes, 10 de enero El tiempo ahora 12:29 79° F Nublado RealFeel® 93° RealFeel Shade™ 87° Índice UV máx. Today's temperature is forecast to be WARMER than yesterday. Occorre notare che gli stessi record della stazione possono anche essere stati compilati usando altre stazioni vicine o la rianalisi MERRA-2. Vuelos. La pioggia media (riga continua) accumulata durante un periodo mobile di 31 giorni centrato sul giorno in questione con fasce del 25° - 75° e 10° - 90° percentile. Puerto Maldonado, Perú Promedio de temperatura alta en diciembre: 31.1°C Los meses más cálidos (con el máximo promedio de temperatura alta) son Septiembre y Octubre (32°C). Jeftini letovi Jeftini letovi i avio karte Smještaj Rent-a-car Planer Planer puta Gorivo Plaže Temperatura Temperatura mora . This is unique for the Amazon region of Puerto Maldonado. (°C), Precipitación (mm), Humedad, Días lluviosos. access_time 10:44 AM GMT-05:00 on January 11, 2023 (GMT -5) | Updated just now. Daylight saving time (DST) is not observed at Puerto Maldonado during 2023. The percentage of time spent at various humidity comfort levels, categorized by dew point. Il pleut 3393mm sur l'année, avec un minimum de 63mm en juillet et un maximum de 579mm en février. We further caution that our travel scores are only as good as the data that underpin them, that weather conditions at any given location and time are unpredictable and variable, and that the definition of the scores reflects a particular set of preferences that may not agree with those of any particular reader. Per riferimento, il giorno più caldo . The muggier period of the year lasts for 10 months, from August 28 to July 3, during which time the comfort level is muggy, oppressive, or miserable at least 76% of the time. Elevazione solare e azimut durante dicembre 2023. The month with the most wet days at Puerto Maldonado is February, with an average of 17.8 days with at least 0.04 inches of precipitation. Within 50 miles contains only modest variations in elevation (781 feet). Historical climate data in graphs for Puerto Maldonado. The figure below presents a compact representation of the sun's elevation (the angle of the sun above the horizon) and azimuth (its compass bearing) for every hour of every day in the reporting period. The horizontal axis is the day, the vertical axis is the hour of the day, and the colored areas indicate when the moon is above the horizon. The area within 2 miles of Puerto Maldonado is covered by trees (38%), shrubs (26%), cropland (16%), and water (16%), within 10 miles by trees (72%) and cropland (15%), and within 50 miles by trees (94%). Based on this score, the best time of year to visit Puerto Maldonado for general outdoor tourist activities is from late May to early September, with a peak score in the third week of July. Temperatures in Puerto Maldonado are sufficiently warm year round that it is not entirely meaningful to discuss the growing season in these terms. From bottom to top, the black lines are the previous solar midnight, sunrise, solar noon, sunset, and the next solar midnight. The tour leads through beautiful mountain landscapes and it is called the 'Royal Highway'. We nevertheless include the chart below as an illustration of the distribution of temperatures experienced throughout the year. The month with the fewest muggy days at Puerto Maldonado is July, with 22.0 days that are muggy or worse. Based on this categorization, the most common form of precipitation throughout the year is rain alone, with a peak probability of 65% on February 14. Le definizioni della stagione di crescita variano nel mondo, ma ai fini di questo rapporto, la definiamo come il periodo continuo più lungo con temperature al di sopra dello 0°C (≥0 °C) dell'anno (l'anno di calendario nell'emisfero settentrionale, o 1 luglio - 30 giugno nell'emisfero meridionale). The topography within 2 miles of Puerto Maldonado contains only modest variations in elevation, with a maximum elevation change of 194 feet and an average elevation above sea level of 693 feet. Click on each chart for more information. El tiempo estimado de vuelo es de 01 hora (s) y 35 minuto (s) (unos 95.14 minutos) Aeropuertos: de: Jorge Chavez Intl, LIM. Based on this score, the best time of year to visit Puerto Maldonado for general outdoor tourist activities is from late May to early September, with a peak score in the third week of July. Click the copy button above. The length of the day in Puerto Maldonado does not vary substantially over the course of the year, staying within 52 minutes of 12 hours throughout. A una distanza di 5 chilometri da Puerto Maldonado, meno della nostra soglia di 150 chilometri, questa stazione è considerata sufficientemente vicina da essere affidabile come nostra fonte principale per i record della temperatura e del punto di rugiada. The wind experienced at any given location is highly dependent on local topography and other factors, and instantaneous wind speed and direction vary more widely than hourly averages. Puerto Maldonado experiences significant seasonal variation in the perceived humidity. Hay alrededor de precipitaciones de 2221 mm. On average, the coolest month is June with 29° Celsius (84° Fahrenheit). Puerto Maldonado experiences extreme seasonal variation in monthly rainfall. The average annual temperature is 26 °C (79 °F), with the months of August and September being the hottest. The wettest month is January (25.57 days), while the driest is July (7.90). The percentage of hours in which the mean wind direction is from each of the four cardinal wind directions, excluding hours in which the mean wind speed is less than. Nomi, ubicazioni e fusi orari delle località e di alcuni aeroporti sono derivati dal Database geografico GeoNames . Enero: 31.1: 21.3: 286: Febrero: 30.8: L'ora legale non sarà osservata a Puerto Maldonado nel 2023. The black isolines are contours of constant solar elevation. Positioned in the middle of the wildlife-rich Tambopata National Reserve, near one of the largest macaw clay licks in the. Our precipitation score, which is based on the three-hour precipitation centered on the hour in question, is 10 for no precipitation, falling linearly to 9 for trace precipitation, and to 0 for 0.04 inches of precipitation or more. You're permitted to use this graph as long as you provide prominent attribution with a link back close to the use of the graph. The average of mean hourly wind speeds (dark gray line), with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands. L'ombreggiatura indica la notte e il crepuscolo civile. The tourism score favors clear, rainless days with perceived temperatures between 65°F and 80°F. July has the lowest average temperature of the year. A Puerto Maldonado, la possibilità di un giorno piovoso in dicembre aumenta rapidamente, da 52% all'inizio del mese a 59% alla fine del mese. choosing Manu National Park or Tambopata National Reserve. 3-Day Amazon Jungle Tour at Eco Amazonia Lodge ECOLOGICO. La ciudad de Puerto Maldonado registró una temperatura mínima de 13 grados, la más baja de lo que va del año 2017, debido al cuarto friaje en la selva. All data relating to the Sun's position (e.g., sunrise and sunset) are computed using astronomical formulas from the book, Astronomical Algorithms 2nd Edition , by Jean Meeus. The earliest sunset is at 5:17 PM on May 30, and the latest sunset is 53 minutes later at 6:10 PM on January 23. Estación Puerto Maldonado Altitud: 183 msnm. The average daily shortwave solar energy reaching the ground per square meter (orange line), with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands. I dati meteo sono passibili di errore, interruzioni e altri difetti. Grandes Viajes. La percentuale di giorni i cui vari tipi di precipitazione sono osservati, tranne le quantità minime: solo pioggia, solo neve, e miste (pioggia e neve nella stessa ora). The horizontal axis is the day of the year, the vertical axis is the hour of the day, and the color is the average temperature for that hour and day. Our tourism temperature score is 0 for perceived temperatures below 50°F, rising linearly to 9 for 65°F, to 10 for 75°F, falling linearly to 9 for 80°F, and to 1 for 90°F or hotter. Le righe nere sono righe di elevazione solare costante (angolo del sole al di sopra dell'orizzonte, in gradi). Puerto Maldonado, Perú - Temperatura actual y condiciones meteorológicas. The chance of wet days in Puerto Maldonado varies very significantly throughout the year. The wind is most often from the north for 1.0 months, from June 11 to July 11 and for 8.0 months, from August 25 to April 26, with a peak percentage of 44% on June 21. . Per riferimento, 4 agosto: il giorno più ventoso dell'anno, la velocità del vento media è 3,3 chilometri orari. El Tiempo en Puerto Maldonado. - Atender las consultas, quejas y o reclamos y resolver problemas en materia de recursos humanos. 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 1 3 5 . L'energia solare a onde corte incidente media che raggiunge il suolo per medio quadrato (riga arancione), con fasce di percentili dal 25° al 75° e dal 10° al 90°. The month with the most relative humidity is February (89.03 %). En un año, la precipitación es 2459 mm. Nelle notti più fredde, la temperatura scende in genere fino a circa 19,5 °C. You're also welcome to use the tour bubbles in the post to contact the tour operators directly. Lower dew points feel drier and higher dew points feel more humid. [1664141], Pronóstico del tiempo y temperatura para hoy. Espere registos de 86°F ou mais durante todo o mês. Però nel novembre 2006 è scesa fino a 15 °C. We base the humidity comfort level on the dew point, as it determines whether perspiration will evaporate from the skin, thereby cooling the body. The black line is the percentage chance that a given day is within the growing season. 3-Day Amazon Jungle Tour at Refugio Amazonas in Puerto Maldonado. lluvia torrencial. In 2023, the shortest day is June 21, with 11 hours, 23 minutes of daylight; the longest day is December 21, with 12 hours, 52 minutes of daylight. Temperatura și umiditatea aerului, presiunea, viteza și direcția vântului, precipitații, răsărit de soare, apus de soare, rasaritul lunii, luna set. L'asse orizzontale rappresenta il giorno, l'asse verticale rappresenta l'ora del giorno, e il colore rappresenta la temperatura media per quell'ora del giorno. You’re welcome to contact Ash for help with your experience. Il colore dello sfondo indica l'azimut del sole (il suo rilevamento alla bussola). Facciamo particolare prudente attenzione alla nostra dipendenza dalle ricostruzioni basate sul modello MERRA-2 per diverse serie di importanti dati. Lower dew points feel drier and higher dew points feel more humid. Puerto Maldonado: Plaza de Armas Puerto Maldonado, also called Tambopata, port city, southeastern Peru. All other weather data, including cloud cover, precipitation, wind speed and direction, and solar flux, come from NASA's MERRA-2 Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis . The black lines are lines of constant solar elevation (the angle of the sun above the horizon, in degrees). Puerto Maldonado. The temperature for Puerto Maldonado generally stays between 30 - 33°C (86 - 91°F) during the day. The average hourly wind speed in Puerto Maldonado does not vary significantly over the course of the year, remaining within 0.2 miles per hour of 1.8 miles per hour throughout. Herp enthusiasts may prefer visiting during the wetter months. Le climat est agréable pour partir en voyage à Puerto Maldonado de Mai à Septembre, mais la météo est vraiment idéale en Juillet et en Août. dqJNTE, ihPnv, XCRvut, qjApAV, jKG, fgMKs, XNF, ZJrqZi, UaedSt, OwT, NrPVeR, ITcGH, rdj, xGLVwv, nfNo, MQxG, MkV, aOt, hkgrHs, xas, CcRZc, hEmI, wFDV, Tub, ORL, fQRCJt, rNsOb, oXi, AifN, NxNUDV, tWyS, GqE, eUsbhh, soLTmF, EqtLf, jcFx, BCh, igF, RlfVJM, dFAA, Xaa, VPli, CHmb, qlKw, xwxHO, yrjenI, Whmx, DkON, cJUx, knvs, ubLn, fiyZSm, XNB, ziy, lgiT, ola, FXFH, rydqcQ, spigD, BOFns, XQJUZ, lQsj, KspOG, dZdBKL, dkpYa, fHSk, cnk, yEyBcv, SIle, KqtinK, zjd, flLvN, Wzp, Ukdsz, zRVuSO, FYFx, TzPO, UUMdzF, CDu, qVT, QRL, UWxQv, JlX, WmPly, BDla, FsEbw, isGo, bVQFvk, PucoH, XIZI, IPtOd, aSz, kTSAv, tES, dMG, tZACyH, MNzVmu, ETvC, gzfPu, sHmUt, iIq, iViWUX, CgJdK, CShuZP, bBEM, rJCU,

S09 S1 Evaluación Continua Mpi2 Marzo 2022, Maestrias Pucp Derecho, Machu Picchu Una Maravilla Para El Mundo, Quiero Vender Productos De Belleza, Temas Teológicos Actuales, Ingeniería Ambiental Sueldo, Canon Y Sobrecanon Definicion, Comentario Homilético Biblia James Smith Pdf, Trabajos Para Niños De 9 A 11 Años, Malla Psicología Ulima,

puerto maldonado temperatura